07719 565011 [email protected]

Someone said …

It’s time for a new adventure!


Just imagine travelling to a place where there are more animals than us.


An isle so over populated by all manner of land & water species that another human being seemed almost out of place as we stepped foot on the most western Inner Hebridean Island, known as Tiree.


The Isle of Tiree has to be one of those treasures I almost wish to not to tell too many about in fear of inviting what we strive to adventure away from.


This wild portion of land boasting generous quantities of strong winds & ground swell


To some in the surf and windsurf community it’s historically been better known as the Hawaii of the North

To Sum up our experience …

We were welcomed with a solid 45 Knots, surf & seals in our back yard.


Apart from one wee break for a day to explore, this was how our adventure rolled.

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An opportunity to make new friends


Stunning back drops


 Not forgetting a chance to strike a couple of cheeky sessions on Anglesey while travelling back

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Thank you to Michelle for the idea and Scotland for delivering